14 March 2010

Pinus Densiflora sprouts

This picture is from 06. March. Some of the seeds are alive and I'm looking forward to this spring. I hoped that some of the other seeds are alive too. And then...

Now I got  28 Japanese redpine. All from seeds bought from Misho Bonsai.
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04 March 2010

excited 2: more new pots on their way...

Now I am extremly excited again. Just as the last time. But now I know what kind of quality Mark and the other guys from Walsall Studio Ceramics are able to perform. Today he sent me a mail with a picture of four pots that I ordered.
The order sounds like this:

CC-09 Large Dragon Cascade (75mm x 75mm x 155mm)
Handmade round pot 15cm, Snake Skin Green
SH-001   Plain Oval Red/Black Oxide (Textured) (150mm x 125mm x 30mm)
CO-004 Small Oval Gun Metal Grey (190 x 135 x 50mm)

I really looking forward to this hands-on experience.
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