06 September 2009

result of project buxus

Earlyer I posted an item of a project puxus (in Norwegian): http://gymirbonsai.blogspot.com/2007/11/prosjekt-buxus.html. And this is one of the results....

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birch update

Since May I have done some cutting, but no pruing and no work at all on this birch. It got a new pot, and some moss to prevent dehydration. And it works...The pot i choose for this pirch is the perfect size. And it will be repotted in may next year. But in the same pot.

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05 September 2009

update on an Acer

This acer is posted earlyer. But it has had a good growth-year. And the roots are orgainzed to become a roots on rock.

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Carpinus Betulus update

The autumn is near and will now theese days blog some of the trees for archiving.
This tree is one of 3 trees. Every one of them ar very small, as I like them. The last picture is a forest. -Or it's going to be sometime.

This last picture is shows how much I want to keep when the forest is 'finish'.
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