29 May 2009

needed some new trees

I just needed some more trees to keep my fingers busy. I thought I had so few. So I went to plantasjen cause I got a minor break during work-transportation. They hade a bouquet of hornbeam (no.: agnbøk, lat.: Carpinus Betulus)The same evening I started the separation process and ended up with 10 individuals. 3 of them ended in separate pots. They will be pruned and shaped later this summer, but 7 of the smallest was grouped into a forest. I was to eager to take pictures during the process. But I promise to take som pictures when I inspect the roots next may(2010).

26 May 2009

brown spots on my birch

I have 3 birches, and one by one got theese brown spots on the leaves. Is it to much fertilizer, to hot sun (not likely in Stavanger), or is it the bug spray I used som days ago? If someone knows I will very grateful for a comment in this blog.