24 March 2009

my first birch

This is my very first outdoor bonsai. I got it to my birthday 3y.s ago. Back then it was only 3inch long. I'm looking forward to kontinue work on this birch

acer on sale, lucky me...

Last autumn I got my hands on this acer with a interesting trunk. I hope it survive, and it seems to do so. To make it live in this pot I had to do some drastically root-reduction. (click on images and see the trunk details). More pictures will follow, if it survives...

2y old Acer

This is an acer I bought to learn to pinch leaves from Acer. A nice skill to know for later projects. But it grows fast, so it keeps me busy. (If you click on the image, you will see more of whats comming)

Update on juniperus

It did well last summer. Great growth during the whole summer. Need a new pot, and I will fix that soon.